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Посмотреть сравнитьVSL#3®, the #1 gastroenterologist-recommended multi-strain probiotics brand¹, is a medical food specifically formulated for the dietary management of IBS, UC, and pouchitis.
VSL#3® powder packets are high-potency (450B CFU), dairy-free, and can address microbial balances in a range of patient types.
Key Attributes:
High-potency: 450 billion CFU per packet
Multi-strain: 8 complementary strains from 3 different genera
Guaranteed potency: Live bacteria, as labeled, refers to the “best if used by” date if stored under recommended conditions.
Highly researched: VSL#3® has been the subject of clinical studies and more than 40 scientific publications in the last 5 years.
¹ IQVIA ProVoice® Survey, 2023