Вам не будет разрешено сравнивать более 4 товаров одновременно.
Посмотреть сравнить- Maintains strong bones *
- Supports healthy bone density and bone matrix *
- Promotes healthy bone marrow *
- Supports healthy immunity and healthy inflammation balance *
- Supports genes that produce healthy bone collagen *
NBI has created three versions of its bone support products to meet people's unique nutritional needs. All three formulas provide 45 mg/day of MK4® and 50 mcg/day (2000 IU/day) of vitamin D3 to promote healthy bone density, support healthy bone marrow, and maintain strong bones.* The only difference between the formulas is the amount of calcium. Osteo-K® provides 1000 mg/day of calcium, Osteo-K Minis has 400 mg/day, and Osteo-MK4 has no calcium.
MK4 can be taken as a dietary supplement to support healthy cell function.*