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Посмотреть сравнитьOmni-Biotic AB 10 is a microbiome restoration formulation developed with laboratory analyzed strains clinically shown to support microbiome balance and produce intestinal barrier strengthening short chain fatty acids, cytokines, and toxin degrading enzymes.*
The final AB 10 formulation has also been studied in gold standard, controlled human trials with findings that include:
● Support for digestive health, comfort, and function *
Stringent development and manufacturing processes along wi
th a commitment to peer reviewed evidence makes Omni-Biotic one of the most trusted, professional probiotic brands worldwide. Conveniently packaged in individual sachets for protection, portability, and personal convenience, the flavorless Omni-Biotic probiotic powder easily reconstitutes in water, dairy, and other common beverages.
Hypoallergenic | Non-GMO | Extended Room Temperature Stability