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Посмотреть сравнитьThe finest biologically active colostrum.
Bioactive Colostrum™ is a natural source of immune-boosting colostrum from grass-fed cows. Bioactive Colostrum™ is derived from cows that are grass fed on natural pastures. It is always GMO-free and never produced with genetically modified organisms. Bioactive Colostrum is Hormone-treatment-free, antibiotic-free, and BSE-free. Carefully created to maintain all original regenerative and immune enhancing native components, Bioactive Colostrum is minimally processed to avoid damaging the full range of the original proteins and active peptides found naturally in high-quality bovine colostrum.
Colostrum is nature’s original prescription for health.
Biologically Active Colostrum contains a high level of nutrients and antibodies that may help stimulate a compromised immune system. It may also modulate an overactive immune response as occurs with autoimmune diseases.
Bovine Colostrum is highly nutritious. It contains:
• Protein
• Lactoferrin for immune function
• Growth factors
• Antibodies
Research has found that colostrum is helpful for:
• Gastrointestinal diseases
• Traveler’s diarrhea
• Chronic fatigue syndrome
• Fibromyalgia
• Muscle strength and maintenance
• Immune function
• Weight management
• Supporting bone mass