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Посмотреть сравнитьBio-Assist is a multi-functional herbal blend that supports and protects organs. The blend of herbs and extracts supports the organs while optimizing their functioning. This supplement aids in the detoxification of various organs, especially the liver, bile ducts, digestive tract, and kidneys.
We included Milk Thistle Seed extract, Bupleurum Root extract, Licorice Root powder, Cleavers Herb extract, Red Root for liver support.
Fennel Seed Powder and Ginger extract supports and aids in digestion.
Bio Assist contains bitter herbs & extracts like Gentiana, Chelidonium Majus, Yellow Dock root, and Oregon Grape for liver support, digestive support, and bile flow support.
Salvia Miltiorrhiza, Crataeva Nurvala, & Buchu Leaf extract supports urinary health, promote urinary detoxification, support liver, kidney, and lymph function.