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Посмотреть сравнитьWith natural Xylitol, Calcium, Aloe Vera, Chamomile, and Echinacea
Improving Oral Health
Spry Oral Rinse is a great tasting rinse designed to help keep the mouth and teeth refreshingly clean. In combination with proper brushing and flossing, it helps eliminate the build-up of bacterial biofilm-that slimy film that collects on healthy teeth. Spry doesn't use any artificial sweeteners, fructose or sucrose, and is sweetened only with natural Xylitol that has clinically proven oral health benefits.
Spry contains Aloe Vera, chamomile and Echinacea for their soothing properties, and calcium glycerophosphate, which aids in the development of stronger teeth. In addition, Spry contains just the right amount of germ killing alcohol that doesn't produce an over-powering burning sensation found in some mouthwashes.