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Посмотреть сравнитьFemmenessencePRO PERI: contains MacaLife a concentrated, highly bioavailable, proprietary formulation of Lepidium peruvianum (maca) phenotypes specifically formulated for women to support the hypothalamic - pituitary - thyroid - adrenal - ovarian (HPTAO) axis and perimenopausal symptoms. FemmenessencePRO PERI is the first natural product to demonstrate, in published clinical trials, statistically significant effects on hormones in perimenopausal women by supporting the body’s own production. Clinical results in perimenopausal women showed a 72-84% success rate in reducing menopausal symptom relief within the first box and improvements in endogenous hormones, including estradiol and progesterone. After four months in clinical trials, postmenopausal women taking FemmenessencePRO PERI also had improved lipid profiles and BMI.
-Hormone balance*
-Hot flashes and night sweats*
-Vaginal dryness*
-Libido and sexual health*
-Mood and improved outlook on life*
-Energy levels*
-Healthy body weight*
-Healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels within normal ranges*
Important information about maca:
There are 17 different phenotypes of maca that can be different colors, have different DNA, different analytical profiles, and most importantly, different physiological effects. MacaLife® contains 25% Maca-GO and 75% another phenotype specifically for perimenopausal women to support hormone balance and reduce menopausal symptoms.
Maca-GO: The Science, Publications, and Clinical Applications for Hormone Health Download Paper
Therapeutic effect of Lepidium peruvianum Chacon (Maca-GO) used as a non-hormonal alternative to HRT in peri-menopausal women. International Journal of Biomedical Science 2006: Vol. 2, No. 2. 143. PubMed - Full Article
Short and Long-Term Physiological Responses of Male and Female Rats to Two Dietary Levels of Pre-Gelatinized Maca (Maca-GO) (Lepidium peruvianum Chacon). International Journal of Biomedical Science. 1 (2): 13-28. PubMed - Full Article
Pre-Gelatinised Maca (Maca-GO) (Lepidium peruvianum Chacon) As Non-Hormonal Herbal Remedy to Reduce Menopausal Symptoms In Pre- And Post-Menopausal Women. Basic Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology. Vol. 97, Supp l (1): 48. Download Abstract