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Посмотреть сравнитьSomniTR™ is a delayed-release formula designed to initially release 1 mg of melatonin immediately after ingestion and 1 mg three hours later to help the patient stay asleep longer.
SomniTR supports optimal melatonin production by supplementing multiple steps in the serotonin-to-melatonin pathway.*
A deficiency in melatonin levels can contribute to prolonged sleep latency, inability to stay asleep, disruption to circadian rhythms and jet lag.
The delayed–release melatonin in SomniTR provides sustained levels for up to eight hours.
SomniTR also provides support for GABA-A receptor sites.* GABA-A agonists, such as Lactium have been shown to support quality of sleep.* ForsLean supports cAMP while pantothenic acid supports acetyl coenzyme A, both of which are important in melatonin synthesis.*