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Посмотреть сравнить4. Ammonia Scavenger (LIVER/TOX) contains nutrients that assist the body in ridding itself of the toxic metabolite ammonia, such as larch tree fiber, L-Ornithine, and yucca. Typically, bacteria in the gut and cellular metabolism of protein create ammonia, which is normally converted to urea via the urea cycle and is excreted. This process can be impaired for many reasons, allowing ammonia to build up the bloodstream, negatively affecting organs such as the brain and liver. High amounts of this toxin also impair the body’s ability to make BH4, the molecule needed for neurotransmitter production. Symptoms of high ammonia include but are not limited to brain fog, muscle weakness, fatigue, mood issues and irritability. For further liver support, this product pairs well with Eco Liver.