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Посмотреть сравнитьThis comprehensive blend of nutrients is designed to support current optimal blood sugar levels and cellular integrity already within the normal range.*
Alpha GTF utilizes the unique oxygen-coordinated, niacin bound chromium complex called ChromeMate®. The University of Texas determined that 4mg a day combination with exercise helped subjects maintain their healthy body composition.[1]*
The molecular level activity of alpha lipoic acid and its novel ability to be soluble in fat and water mediums promotes healthy nerves throughout the body of healthy individuals.*
Those with normal glucose levels who consume bitter mellon promote the enzyme AMPK (naturally produced in the body) which mediates the movement of glucose transporters in the healthy cell, which is an important step in the uptake of glucose from the circulatory system into the tissues.[2]*
ChromeMate® C M-100M
- [1]Grant KE, Chandler RM, Castle AL, Ivy JL. Chromium and exercise training. Med Sci SportsExerc. 1997;29:992-998.
- [2]Ye and colleagues, Chemistry & Biology, Vol. 15, Issue 5, p. 520
See also Chromium Picolinate 200mcg, GlucoLiv, Healthy Glucose, Hyper GTF.