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Посмотреть сравнитьCalcium ᴅ‑glucarate is a calcium salt of ᴅ‑glucaric acid, which is a naturally occurring substance. Glucaric acid is found in several fruits and vegetables, with its highest concentration being found in cruciferous vegetables, apples, oranges, and grapefruits, and it is also made in small amounts in the human body. ᴅ‑Glucarate is an important substance that assists the body in its quest to detoxify and eliminate various toxins from the system. Two of the mechanisms that the body uses to detoxify are conjugation and glucuronidation. The enzyme β‑glucuronidase breaks the bonds formed during the detoxification process, which allows substances to recirculate in the body instead of being excreted. ᴅ‑Glucarate inhibits β‑glucuronidase, therefore encouraging the elimination of the toxins.*