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Посмотреть сравнитьDid you know that most calcium carbonate supplements come from limestone rock and lack other bone-supportive nutrients? Our organic plant calcium is different! Bone Strength Take Care™ is sourced from Red Marine Algae, a whole-food source that’s rich in Calcium plus Magnesium and 70+ trace minerals. No limestone rock! For your best absorbed calcium formula, we add a proprietary blend of Vitamin K2 and fermented D3 that directs calcium right to your bones where you need it, which also helps to maintain artery health.* Experience the magic inside clinical-strength organic plant calcium for 3-in-1 benefits: strong bones, flexible joints, and heart health.* Here at New Chapter®, we sustainably source the highest quality ingredients and craft with you and our planet in mind. We do all this, so you can do you! That’s wellness, well done. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.